Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Top 5 tech you'll need to survive

Many an article has been written, many a TV series has been produced, and many a video game has been developed, all in an attempt to give you the tools and strategies you'll need to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Don't laugh: Zombies are serious business and you do not want to find yourself underprepared when a herd (A gaggle? A troop?) of undead start moaning and slow-walking their way toward you, your loved ones, and your stuff.

Of course, you're still a geek at heart. We understand. There's no need to throw out your love of alternative mobile operating systems, Linux, gadgets, and ridiculous memes just because the end times are upon you and the undead roam the Earth.

Assuming that you have access to an internet connection (and power) the following list of gadgets represent some of the must-have items you'll want to acquire (or loot from the corpses of the fallen) come zombie-time.

No.1 Panasonic Toughbook

Drop your laptop in normal times? No worries. One quick trip to the genius bar and - presto! - your computer's magically fixed.

When the internet fails use this to throw at incoming Zombies

Unfortunately, tech support won't be of much help when their brains are being eaten.

That's why it's going to be worth your while to get your hands on a laptop that's more equipped for stability than speed.

The great thing about Panasonic's line of Toughbook laptops isn't just that they're sturdy and can take a bit of a licking. Depending on the model, you may even be able to swing them as a makeshift weapon. Eat some operating system, zombie hordes.

No.2 Solar-powered alarm

If you aren't packing four of these at all times, you're doing something wrong.

Sure, you can try barricading yourself in your house - or a neighbor's house - when the zombie outbreak comes, but all the beeping security systems in the world aren't going to stop zombies from pouring through your windows or walls and devouring your loved ones.

Sleeping in during the Zombie Apocalypse is a bad idea

To out-survive the zombies, you must out-run the zombies. And when you start living off the wild - or fleeing to non-infested cities - you're going to want to set up a great perimeter when it's time to get some shut-eye.

A solar-powered alarm, 120-decibel alarm with a big, annoying light should do just the trick.

No.3 Iridium Extreme

Assuming that zombies hate cell phone towers, nothing quite says "call for help" like a souped-up satellite phone.

The Iridium Extreme is as its name implies: A killer device that's dust-proof and both shock- and water-resistant, as well as one that bundles GPS capabilities right into the handset itself.

Instead of telling your friends and loved ones that you're, "stranded by that tree in the woods," you can just send your (presumed) rescue party the coordinates and let them come directly to you.

It's best to turn off the ringer - for safety reasons

Don't forget to bundle your purchase (or provisioning) of an Iridium Extreme with a solar-charging accessory.

Assuming you're running for your life over the span of multiple days, you're going to want to have clear, unfettered access to a working phone.

That'll be tough to do when you're trying to kick zombies away from your wall-socket-based phone charger.

No. 4 Wicked Lasers' S3 Spyder III Arctic

Assuming, of course, that the zombies in our apocalypse scenario need their decaying eyes to see you in order to chase you, what better way to stop stray attackers in their tracks - without having to deal with angry zombies in biting or hitting range - than by burning out their peepers?

The 1,000-milliwatt S3 Spyder III Arctic laser will ruin somebody's day if you point it at their eyeballs, making it a perfect weapon to use against undead attackers and fellow, surviving humans trying to take your stuff.

Zombie Apocalypse or not, this is just cool

Additionally, this is a great little tool to use as a signal if you're trying to track down, alert, or otherwise notify other members of the human race.

The beam blasts out 0.25 lux of light for roughly four miles - a clarion call of hope if you're trying to round up your surviving friends at night.

No. 5 Zombies, Run!

Alright. We'll admit it. The odds of you having to actually square off against legions of Zombies are a bit low.

But just in case you want to practice your survival plan (and imaginary zombie-fighting skills) in person, the iPhone (and soon-to-be Android) app Zombies, Run! is a great way to combine a workout with your inner desire to be the next Bear Grylls.

Work on your cardio before the end times (photo credit:Geeky Gadgets)

Your mission, which you better choose to accept if you want to live, will have you navigating around your local environment to "pick up" various survival supplies.

It's one-half game, one-half workout, and all-parts important survival preparation. Not only will you be getting yourself used to the survival mindset, but you'll also get your body in nice shape for the eventual apocalypse - Zombies do prefer the taste of athletic humans, after all.

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